Thursday, March 7, 2013


    Do you believe in fate? I only ask this because I don't. I don't believe that no matter what happens, you will end up in the same place. I don't believe that you're just destined to end up somewhere and that you have no say in the matter. I do, however, believe in luck. 
    I believe that there are two kinds of luck, essentially. First, there is situational luck, and second, there is inherited luck. Situational luck occurs when something favorable happens by chance rather than your actions. I'm writing this post to talk about the second kind of luck, inherited luck.
    Every day we are playing the odds. Every day we take a chance that we will be late for work, that we will get sick, that we will get in a car accident, ect. Now there are measures we can take to turn the odds in our favor, such as setting alarms to ensure we make it to work, washing our hands and eating healthy to keep from getting sick, and using safe driving practices to avoid accidents. But essentially, when it comes to something unfavorable happening to you sometime throughout your day, the odds are stacked against you. 
    I was born lucky. Unfortunate things rarely, if ever, happen to me. I was born with amazing parents and siblings, so I have no family issues. I have lived in a town with an incredibly low crime rate. I'm talented. I've gotten pulled over 13 times and only received 1 ticket. I've kissed two girls. I've gone my entire life only breaking one bone. I'm coordinated. I'm not shy. Only two things legitimately scare me. I'm marginally attractive. I'm laid back. I know what I want to do for a career. I have friends. I failed a vital class and still graduated high school. I got fired and had a new job the very next week. I totaled my car and drove a different one to school the next day. I'm not addicted to anything. and the list goes on and on.
     I often hear of people say "He's had a hard life." Well, fortunately for me, I'll probably never be that guy. I was born lucky. I don't know if I just consistently end up in the right place at the right time, or if there are just very few roadblocks in my way.  Now I'm not writing all this to brag about myself. I'm writing this to tell you about the one thing in my life that makes me feel the most lucky. The fact that I have had the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for my entire life. 
     I've definitely taken this one for granted. I've had the opportunity to be blessed beyond all imagination. I am blessed with the knowledge of where I came from, why I'm here, and where I'm going. I know that Jesus Christ took upon himself my sicknesses, my pains, and my sins all so that I can have the opportunity to live with God again. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and translated the Book of Mormon. I love this book! I'm so lucky that I have the opportunity to go out and serve a full 2 year mission to teach the People of Salta, Argentina. I get to share with others all the joy and blessings that I've received from the knowledge that I have.
    As you can see, I'm quite lucky indeed.

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