Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Entities of My Irrational Hatreds

        Hatred - a deep and emotional extreme dislike that can be directed against individuals, entities, objects, or ideas.

       I have an extreme hatred for only a few things in life, and lately, I've been thinking about how irrational these hatreds actually are! I've compiled a list of 5 things that I actually "hate." Most of us can say that we hate something or someone and not really mean it. Well, that is NOT how I feel about these 5 things.

Well, here it goes:

Meet Jayden. This kid is the biggest prick I've ever met in my life. (and the most rational of all 5 entities of hatred)
        In The Dark Knight, Alfred tells a story about a man who was robbing caravans in the Amazon, and he ends with this phrase, "He was throwing the precious gems away." "Why?" "Well because it was good sport! Because some men can't be persuaded or reasoned with, some men just want to watch the world burn." 
        That is Jayden in a nutshell. He roamed the halls of Delta High with one goal in mind, to ruin everyone's day for his own enjoyment. He didn't play any sports (or at least the ones that he did play, he quit). He had the mouth of a sailor and a temper to match. He thought he was God's gift to earth thanks to a psychotic mother who convinced him that he was. He drove a p.o.c. (peice of crap) Pontiac Firebird. I brushed shoulders in the hall with him one day and he turns around and yells, "Watch it a**hole!" He was loud, extremely cocky, and very very obnoxious. To this day, I can't say I've ever had a good experience with Jayden. I'm almost positive that he's not worthy to serve a mission, but he's going anyway. 

Meet Mitchell. Volunteering at animal shelters, attending every farewell in Delta and Fillmore, my hate for him may be the most irrational, unexplainable concept I've ever encountered. But it's still there.
        Ever since the first time I met him, I've never liked him. He seems way too fake, way too cheerful, and the kind of kid who would kiss with a girl and never talk to her again. But much to my surprise and yours, I've never actually had a hard fact to prove any of these gut feelings. Although this kid caused a break up between his friend and me. Ultimately it wasn't his fault but it's so much easier to blame him on him. I told her that I didn't like him, and then I couldn't come up with a solid reason and she never dated me again. In hindsight, I'd keep my opinions about him to myself.

NO I DON'T. I know what you're thinking, is it possible to hate an entire decade, even if that decade was influencial, even if that decade was when your parents got married? I say yes. I HATE THE 80's.
         Think about all the terrible things that happened in the 1980's! In 1980 John Lennon was shot and killed outside his hotel in New York City, this should be the first indicator of a slippery slope. Next they discovered the effects pedal, a grungy satanic version of the effects pedal. Next came Metalica, *shudders*  fast guitar rhythms and too many drums can't disguise the awful, tasteless, excuse for music. Then came disdainfully damaged hair, thanks to hairspray and perms. Then the "King of Pop" Micheal Jackson, the skin bleached, nose-job bearing, child molesting (allegedly), millionaire. Only two good things came out the 80's, The Breakfast Club and Ronald Reagan. 

 I hate Beatboxing with a burning passion of a thousand hot tamales. It is a lousy excuse for any music at all. Any tard in his basement can click his tongue and try to make drum noises. It is the most pathetic facade of the tallentless ever created. 

My last unexplainable, irrational hate is that of Christmas. 
         Don't pull out the "You hate Christ's Birthday!!!" because that's not the Christmas that I hate. Christmas doesn't even seem to be anything about Christ anymore :(. I hate the the constant Christmas music blaring in my ears. I hate the constant TV adds encouraging you and me to buy way too much crap. I hate the weather and all the cold that it brings. I'm not a particular fan of my little brother waking me up at 4 a.m. to open presents. I do love the joy that it brings and enlightens in people, but I wish there was no commercial aspect to it at all!

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