Saturday, November 17, 2012

Switzerland. The Paradox.

Well I think Switzerland deserves a lot more credit than it gets! In World War II, it remained completely neutral throughout the entire war.

Neutrality by definition. - The policy or status of a nation or individual that does not participate in a war or conflict between other nations or individuals.

Well, the last few days, I've been trying to be ultra-neutral. Basically, my life at my apartment could be the greatest sitcom ever. Let me explain:
(*note* I'm not going to call them "Allied Forces" and "Nazi Forces." Instead, they're going to be called "Japanese Troops" and "Nazi Forces." because neither one of these groups has the right ideas.)
Let's introduce our starting Line-up!

She's really pretty, right!? I had the BIGGEST crush on her before I actually knew her. Bathed in a pool of concentrated naivety and addicted to Dr. Pepper beyond belief, Morgan has a happy-go-lucky personality that's extremely likable. Although she has a rather questionable taste in literature.
Easily one of the funniest people that I've ever met in my entire life. Hogan can light up an angry room in a second! He has a habit of over-thinking things. It's rare if he gets angry, but when it happens, he gets ANGRY! He shuts himself off and won't talk to anyone :( bummer, you know? (and the glorious mustache is completely real, ladies and gents)

 Together, they are the are the dynamic duo, the Japanese Troops.
Talk about one of those friends that you can just chill with! Kolton has an excellent taste in music, a great sense of humor. Kolton has a habit of being nocturnal, especially with his homework. But Kolton has a short fuse, for sure. Very small things make him very angry, but only for a very short period of time. Overall, a great friend to have around.
This darling girl is a bucket of flirt & fun, but half the time I'm not sure if she's on cocaine or if she's just a little demented. She has a habit of laughing a little too hard and often snorting. Altogether, this journalism major is high on life.
Brandon is one of the greatest listeners I've ever met. He extremely intuitive and seems to always know when you're having a bad day. He puts on a "I don't care" facade but in reality, he's very people oriented. Basically, he has a cheerful demeanor and a friendly smile.


Together, these three are the tri-fecta,  The Nazi's.

Me. Bryar. Aka, Switzerland.

The Plot (Because There Always Has To Be A Plot To Every Good Story)

Phase 1, we met the girls. (Which is where all the problems started.)
       What a glorious day! We were finally talking to the very same girls that I had been (almost creepishly) crushing on! Taylor soon started coming over to our apartment, using our place as her personal escape, her sanctuary. She did homework, watched tv, and laughed with us. Hogan soon started to like her. A lot. 
       So what could be the problem? She was into meat-headed, d-bags. (also known as your average football players) So, much to Hogan's dismay, she often sought his advice on what to do and how get the meat-heads. Hogan put up with it, at first. He actually put up with it for a long time. Hogan tried all the nice-guy moves: massages, flowers, and endless attention. (furthering the time-tested conclusion that girls don't like nice guys). 
      The afternoon of the Halloween Dance, Hogan and I (since both Kolton and Brandon were gone) played volleyball with Morgan, Taylor, and one of their (less notable) roommates. Taylor left the match to go try to swoon a bystander on another court. Needless to say, the four of us (Hogan, Morgan, less-notable roommate, and me) had a wonderful time, Hogan and I won, of course, but not without a battle :). That night, we attended the dance and had crazy fun! ....Well not necessarily crazy, but as much fun as we could have. After the dance, there was an activity called "True Rebel." (Couples and not-so-couples wade into the fountain at midnight and kiss) While Taylor was off running around the perimeter of the fountain and racking up a few kisses,  Morgan was hiding behind Hogan and I hoping that her "true-rebel-promise" meat-head didn't find her.

Phase 2, the shift in interest 
       My interest shifted from girls to school, primarily. Mind you, girls were definitely still there, but not as prominent. I'd given up on the idea that I'd ever have a chance with Morgan, but it was definitely a resolution well worth having. I also re-dedicated myself to my guitar. (Martha missed me)
       Hogan had given up on Taylor, she was much too flirty and he didn't want to be "the gay (yet very straight) best friend" anymore. The day that he came to this realization, he didn't talk to any of us, he was angry, and it was best to leave him alone. Taylor came over, just like she always had, and instead of giving her his attention, just as he always had, he sat on his bed with his headphones in his ears, only leaving his room to eat or poop. He disappeared for the remainder of the night. It was about three days before he even said a word to me.
      Brandon had finally gotten the hang of school and had shifted his interest from busy-work and studying to trying to find friends that didn't live in the same apartment as he did. At one point I also believe he shouted "All I want is a girlfriend!"
      Kolton had a different kind of a shift of focus. He came down to this great college with his best friend, Hogan. But now it seemed that they were strangers living in the same room. They were as thick as thieves before they arrived, but based on some deep seeded issues, they had drifted apart. All it would take is a minimal amount of communication between two best buds and everything could be fixed between them, but I guess that's just too much to ask of 18-year-old guys. Instead, Kolton's interest seemed to shift toward Brandon.

This brings us to Phase 3; the thickening plot
      Hogan was cured, or so he seemed; and one Friday night, as we were hanging at our apartment, Morgan came over. Taylor was off with other friends and Brandon was M.I.A. So Morgan, Kolton, Hogan, and I stayed up waaaaay too late reading 50 Shades Of Gray (By the way, don't do that,  talk about mental porn!!!! *shudders*) and at the end of the night Horgan and Morgan decided to undertake a (very flirty) game of hit-for-hit. The result of this was some very very gnarly bruises on both of their arms. 
     After that night, our apartment was very loud, and very busy. As soon as Morgan and Taylor were out of classes, they came over. It was fun, to be sure! I enjoyed the company of everyone involved. Hogan, however, did not. He acted as though Taylor was completely invisible! Hogan was definitely not the only person at fault, Taylor (acting as though she had a mild case of a narcissistic personality disorder) despised all of the new found attention that Morgan was receiving from Hogan. This was the very same kid who never left her side only a week ago.

Phase 4: How the United Nations died.
      One day, as Hogan and Morgan left to get drinks at Maverick (without even inviting the rest of us :/ ) Taylor remarked, "This apartment used to be my escape." 
      "This apartment used to be my escape," was all it took; I guess, because that statement created an attitude, or at least amplified it. It created a radical decay of friendships. 
      Taylor shut out Morgan. Whether it was from jealousy or just a hate of how Hogan treated her when Morgan was there, I don't know. 
       Morgan "took a hint" and stopped coming over. Hogan completely blamed Taylor. Therefore, Hogan shut out Taylor.
       Kolton and Brandon either saw the way the Taylor was feeling, or had time to spend with Taylor that they never had before (since Hogan didn't really talk to her anymore). So Kolton and Brandon (maybe not consciously) shut out Hogan. Consequently, Hogan spent even more time with Morgan. Therefore, Kolton and Brandon shut out Morgan.

Welcome To Switzerland: The Loneliest Place On Earth

     Who receives the butt-end of all of these "shut-outs?" Me! They say that "one is the loneliest number," well, in a lot of ways, they have it spot on.  All this alone time gives me time enough to do things like start a blog, learn dozens of new songs on guitar, and talk aloud to myself.
       Kolton and Brandon, whether they mean too or not, always leave together, knowingly forgetting to invite Hogan, since he spends most of his time with Morgan. But they unknowingly (I hope) forget to offer an invitation to me. 
      Hogan spends his time at Morgan's apt. since she doesn't want to come over. Because the last thing she wants to do is cause future drama, bless her heart.

 Come on guys, Switzerland is cold enough without getting completely deserted. 

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